Humanizing apes: Genesis Week episode 35, season 2

Okay, I know, you’re sick of hearing about it, but we got more dramatic dinosaur soft tissues, and we interview a special guest regarding fossil human footprints. Join us – this is Genesis Week!

Welcome! To this episode of Genesis Week, the weekly program of creationary commentary on news, views and events pertaining to the origins controversy, made possible by the supporters of CORE Ottawa, Citizens for Origins Research and Education, and of course, carried on the Christianima network – – Christian cinema at its finest. Excellence in pirate broadcasting, we continue to bring you the information the anticreationists don’t want you to see or hear, and giving glory to our Creator while doing it. We here at Genesis Week believe your brain was intelligently designed, and God wants you to use it. Remember if you get lost in cyberspace, you can just punch in or and you can find us, and also subscribe to our youtube channel to get extras like CrEvo rants and full interviews with our guests. I’m your host, Ian Juby

Ohhh, you know I don’t want to bore you guys by continually flogging fossil equines (for those of you non-sciencey types or if you don’t know latin names enough, that means beating a dead horse), but this is just too rich! We’ve reported on many, many stories of preserved soft tissues from dinosaurs, along with blood cells, bone cells, and probable Dinosaur DNA. In June of 2012 at the Pipestone Creek Dinosaur Initiative not far out of Grande Prairie, Alberta, a fossil hadrosaur dinosaur was found….with actual intact SKIN.
Dr. Phil Bell from the University of Regina and Dr. Frederico Fanti from the University of Bologna in Italy have working the Pipestone creek site, and the UNfossilized dinosaur skin is undergoing studies in a machine called a synchrotron at Canadian Light Source. They are trying to determine the actual COLOUR of the dinosaur.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: This dinosaur is alleged to be 70 MILLION Years old. Do you REALLY think that dinosaur SKIN could remain undecayed, unfossilized, preserved, for 70 MILLION YEARS? Decades of intense forensic research would disagree. The evidence is that this dinosaur is young – perhaps thousands of years old, certainly not millions. The evidence from the dinosaurs and forensics strongly points to the dinosaurs being killed in a worldwide flood just a few thousand years ago – exactly as the Bible tells us, documenting a world wide flood known as Noah’s flood.

Two weeks ago we ran a special episode on the Paluxy fossil human footprints. It was not possible to keep up with the comments. There was hundreds on the creation/evolution discussion groups on facebook alone, and of course, as predicted, the vast majority of negative comments related to things we actually addressed in the show! Nevertheless, we also got a number of positive comments and feedback, and thank you for those of you who took the time to write in, especially those of you who took the time out to send in an encouraging note.
In that show I had mentioned in passing that Glen Rose was certainly not the only place we find fossil human footprints, and one YouTuber asked if we could please elaborate. To do so, i asked my good friend to join me. Dr. Aaron Judkins is a fellow Paluxy fossil tracks researcher, a resident of Glen Rose Texas, and Aaron and I have actually done quite a bit of research together, and even discovered what may turn out to be the largest tridactyl dinosaur footprints found to date. Aaron, known to some as “Maverick” is an author, explorer, Biblical archaeologist, and author of the book “The Global Phenonema of Fossil Human Footprints in Rock” in which he exhaustively details the ludicrous number of fossil human footprints found all over the world. Welcome to the show Aaron!

>>Hey Ian, thanks for having me on. It’s an honour to be on the show with you.

>>And it’s an honour to have you on! One quick question /comment before we continue: One of the most common questions I get all the time, and I’m sure you get the same question Aaron – is “Where are all the human fossils?” Now as we’ve discussed here on Genesis Week in previous shows, there are LOADS of human fossils, but we never hear about them, and it’s usually because they are found in the wrong place, evolutionarily speaking. So let us remember that technically, fossil human footprints are human fossils. So just how many fossil human footprints are there Aaron?

>>Well Ian, that’s a really good question. There’s hundreds of documented fossil human footprints around the world, but there may be thousands of fossil human footprints from around the world. Now we know that Laetoli, Africa, in Tanzania, certainly was one of the first human fossil footprints to be put on the map in the 70’s, but there’s a site in Australia that according to the scientists there who studied over at Mungo Park, learned through ground-penetrating radar, that under the sand dunes there, there may be about 5,000 fossil human footprints just at that one site! So, it could be up in the thousands for sure.

>>So let me get this straight then, so ground-penetrating radar into sand dunes?

>>Yes, they’ve uh, an aboriginal woman came across the first tracks over there some years back – I think it was 2005, but uh, she brought it to the attention of the scientists who went over and looked at it, they are fossil human footprints, Ian, and get this – this trails of them, there’s trails of people running up ahead, and there’s trails of people walking, including children. What’s interesting though, is some of the footprint lengths are 6 foot 4 inches and 6 foot 6 inches – so these are quite remarkably long tracks, at least for that part of the world over there in Australia.

>>Okay – now when you say – sorry, you gave dimensions, but I’m missing what you said: These are the footprints for a person that tall?

>>Yes; the lengths of these tracks are, one set of tracks are…, well I should clarify: the measurement of the tracks, there’s a formula that you get the height from, so when the scientists run that formula, there’s a calculation to it, but they take the length of that track, and then that gives them the estimated height of the person. They’re saying some of these tracks, the heights of these people who walked these trails were at least 6 foot 6 and 6 foot 4 inches in height.

>>Okay, so this is news to me – very interesting. So these, are these fossil sand dunes? Because I know we encounter that a lot claim a lot in the geological record, what they claim are fossil sand dunes. So, are these like, solid rock? Or are they sand dunes?

>>No, they’re fossil sand dunes, and they’ve exposed quite a number of them already, but scientists believe that there’s thousands more underneath these fossil sand dunes, according to this ground-penetrating radar. To my knowledge they haven’t been excavated yet, but they are indeed fossil human footprints.

>>Very interesting, okay, so you and I are familiar with this, I’m just trying to bring the viewers up to speed, so basically what you’re saying is, there’s a lot of human footprints found around the world – and this large number mostly consists of fossil human footprints that have even been acknowledged in the secular scientific literature. So now just how many cases are there that you can think of, like the Paluxy fossil human footprints, which are discounted and not mentioned in the secular literature except to mock them?

>>Well there’s a number of sites for those – the site over in Mexico is a very clear example of that. I think it was back, between 2004 and 2006, Dr. Silvia Gonzalez was one of the first ones on the scene over there, and there was some workers who came across this site, they were working near the locale, and they came across fossil human footprints. Dr. Gonzalez is a secular scientist, she went over to look at them, she’s very well studied in this area of geology, and she went over to look at them and brought over some other scientists, and she indicated that these are indeed fossil human footprints. They took measurements, they did all kinds of studies on these, they mapped them out, and interestingly enough Ian, these footprints showed the same morphology and the same contour, and the same characteristics, as the Laetoli footprints in Africa! So the science was pointing to authentication! And so she published on this. And what they realized was, because of the implications of what this meant in the academic community, that it totally went against the theory of evolution, which is the “Clovis first” model, that people came down through the Bering land strait, well it totally eradicated that, because they got a date of 40 thousand years! And so when they realized that kinda disrupted the “Clovis first” model of humans occupying South America, they tried to re-date it.
Now they can’t carbon date it, because it’s rock, but what they do is they use OSL – Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating – which attempts to date the sand grains in the rock with light. And when they re-dated it Ian, they got 1.3 MILLION years! So now they’re really in a tight spot, cause now they don’t know what to do! What they do? They ended up tossing out Dr. Silvia Gonzalez’s conclusions and said “Whoops, we’re sorry, we’re going to take back all the publications” – of course, this is PEER REVIEWED Ian! So they just totally eradicated it and said “We’re sorry, but these are not human fossil footprints after all, they are actually pock marks.” Now that’s a pretty interesting conclusion after all the science was done on it!

>>Oh man! Ya, that’s one classic example – that’s rich. Okay, so taking off from that, in the previous special episode on the Paluxy tracks – it’s interesting you brought this up – we considered the possibility that the fossil human footprints in the Paluxy were perhaps strangely eroded dinosaur tracks, or a dinosaur walking on its heals, and others in years gone by have suggested they were tracks made by some unknown amphibian or something. You have studied the Paluxy fossil footprints in tremendous detail – Can we know that the Paluxy fossil human footprints, or the ones you just brought up, or the Laetoli tracks, can we know that these are actually fossil human footprints? And how?

>>Well that was my concern when I first went to the Paluxy to study it in 1996, I’ve been studying this phenomenon for a very long time, as well as you have Ian, and that was my first question, “Are these authentic?” And for me as an independent researcher, I wanted to know the answer to that question! Because this would have extreme implications if they were authentic, and I had never even heard of such a thing, so for me, it was challenging my own paradigm, and so I began to go down and research. The key is, either they’re fossil human footprints, they’re natural, they’re carved, or they’re some kind of animal. So what you have to do is use the standards for identifying human footprints. To that is, well, you have to understand that you need at least three characteristics in the footprint to make the claim: It needs to either have
the toes, the basic metatarsal, you need to have the transverse arch, the medial side of the longitudinal arch, you need to have the lateral side of that arch, you need to have the calcaneous heel, the base of the toes – and the mud push-up if it’s there. So all that would have to help identify human fossil footprints.
Now – that’s in-situ; you have to establish a trail, you have to establish that there’s mud up-push, and clearly when you study these in-situ, which means that it’s in place, it’s in the original context, when you look at it, and you use the same standards that the scientists used for Laetoli, you understand that the Paluxy fossil human footprints are even more so in human characteristics when you use that standard, then they are with the Laetoli ones. The problem with the Laetoli, is that even Mary Leakey, back in the 70’s, said that they are like human footprints! Tim White said they match the characteristics of modern day human feet! Dr. Louise Robbins who Mary Leakey flew down, who’s one of the most prominent forensic footprints scientists in the nation, went down there, and he even said, these are clearly modern human feet that match the characteristics of modern day human feet. In other words, there’s no change in morphology!
If those footprints are 3.6 million years old from Australopithecus afarensis, which we know as “Lucy,” and that’s what they attribute those footprints to over in Laetoli, that if they are (and they’re not), then there’s no change in morphology! They’re saying it’s just like a modern human foot! Matter of fact, Dr. Robbins looked at the modern day feet of the indigenous people over there, they don’t wear shoes, and he compared their feet with the fossil footprints over at Laetoli, and he said they are just modern, human feet that made those.
There’s no change in morphology Ian, that means there’s no evolution, that means that that’s not made by Lucy, that means that there was either; you have to push modern humans back to 3.6 million years ago, which even evolution won’t do, or you have to say “That rock is not 3.6 million years old” and everything is much more recent than they’re telling us Ian, it’s not millions and millions of years, it’s actually recent creation, and the Bible has said it.

>>Amen! Well that’s very well put – thank you. On that note, with the Paluxy fossil footprints in particular, Are there other locations where fossil human footprints are found alongside dinosaur tracks?

>>Well in the documentation, most of the fossil footprints are not found with the dinosaur tracks, but there is one site over in Russia, in Turkmenistan, which we call the “Russian Paluxy.” The reason we call it that is because it is very similar to the Paluxy site. When people hear about the Paluxy, this is evidence that’s been brought to light since the…well, since Roland T. Bird came and looked at some of the prints in what is now the state park, and understood that he saw prints that he didn’t quite know what they were, the indications were initially that they were human fossil footprints. But, so this has been known even before that – in the 1910’s, when the people locally here in Glen Rose first found them after the big flash flood. So yes, there is other sites, and the Russian Paluxy is one of them. Secular scientists have studied that site in Turkmenistan, and they attributed that trackway to the Jurassic! And they said that they have found fossil human footprints with dinosaur tracks. Now, that’s quite astounding when the scientists, and this was the 1980’s, and that made the papers over there, in Russia. And we’ve got documentation on that, but when we have tried to get over there to study it, at least within recent times, we haven’t been able to get over there. But there has been at least one who’s gone over there to study it, and it’s quite interesting that there is really fossil human footprints on this site, that their scientists made the initial claim that there are human fossil footprints with these dinosaurs over there in the same track layer.

>> Very interesting. And of course, we’ve detailed on this show, in a special episode, the Berea Kentucky fossil footprints – this was first hand research with David and myself, which shocked me to no end to find out they were genuine fossil human footprints – and that was in carboniferous rocks. So according to the evolutionism then, those footprints would be BEFORE the time of the dinosaurs – are there other instances like that around the world?

>>Well there is; there’s a couple of fossil footprints that we have at the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas. One of those is the Stinnett track. Now the Stinnett track was found in Stinnett, Texas, and that was actually found I believe in the mid 1950’s. And that really was found in a trail by a man who was out and about, and what happened was, intially, I believe there was nine of these footprints in a trail, so the Stinnett track is actually in a rock layer of Permian rock, and of course the Permian goes back before the age of the dinosaurs, so those tracks should not be there! We’ve studied these tracks, we understand that according to the spiral CAT scans that were done, because these tracks are now taken out of the original matrix, so we can’t study them in-situ, but we understand there’s compression that is underneath the layering in the rock – which shows a real thin crust of layering on top by the way, that you can’t carve. Even the people who are really I guess are not advocates for the human fossil footprints really can’t get around that. But the CT scans clearly show that there’s compression. Another one is the Meister print that was found in the 60’s, in Utah, William Meister was out trilobite hunting, and he found a human fossil sandal print in this rock that supposedly goes back to the time before the dinosaurs, and this rock had two little trilobites in the sandal print that was crushed when the person stepped. So this clearly shows Ian, that the Meister print, the Stinnett track, clearly are in rock layers according to their own timeline of evolution and uniformitarianism that this goes back to the time before the dinosaurs in permian rock. So these are clearly evidences for a young earth creation.

>>Excellent, okay. Thanks so much for being on the show Aaron, and good to see you again, even if only virtually. We gotta get out wading in the Paluxy again soon!

>>Yes we do – thanks Ian! Appreciate it.

>>You can get a copy of Dr. Judkin’s book “The Global Phenomenon of Fossil Human Footprints in Rock” from Aaron’s Lulu page, and
and you can check out Aaron’s website at

Stick around – we’ll get into the mailbag right after this short break!
This show sponsored in part by Canada’s first permanent Creation Museum, in the heart of Alberta’s dinosaur beds, the Big Valley Creation Science Museum.

And by Genesis get your own beautiful hard covered copy of the Chronicles of Dinosauria, the history and mystery of dinosaurs and man. Now available from New Leaf Publishing.
What does the Bible say about aliens? Is there life on other planets? What can science tell us about the possibility of aliens? Ian Juby gives answers to these and many more questions in this fascinating and highly disturbing subject. Looking analytically at the subject, complete with testimonies of people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. The answers will probably surprise you. In this 1 and a half hour lecture, Ian that the alleged “aliens” are a problems, and that Jesus is the solution. Order on line today at Ian’s bookstore.

[scary, dramatic music]
Wahoo! Mail for me?
[beeping sounds]

Hmmm….I forget: Do I cut the blue wire, or the red wire?

Or I could just pull the detonator…

[scary, dramatic music]
In last week’s episode we briefly pointed out how radically different apes and humans are. I got one rather nasty response which I actually won’t show because of the language used, but the person was venting over Koko, the gorilla who has allegedly learned sign language. In particular, when the gorilla’s pet cat died, Koko expressed sadness over the loss in sign language.
It should be noted that Koko’s sign language has been controversial to say the least, and that the gorilla has really not demonstrated true comprehension of what she is signing. And that’s other researchers saying this, not I. However, several apes wrote in to Genesis Week, expressing their frustrations with me that I would dare say they were less intelligent than humans. A chimpanzee living in Chicago and going by the name DarwinsPet emailed us, saying that, while his cousin, also a chimpanzee, did not have the skills to fly to the moon, his cousin had successfully scratch built and flown a number of very large and high powered model rockets, including one which did make it into space. The video of the flight is on his YouTube channel.
An orangutan from Northern Alberta wrote in and sent us a copy of her artwork, expressing her disdain that I would dare suggest apes do not produce art. A gibbon employed as a mathematician with a major engineering company in Toronto also left a post on our facebook page, claiming that I’d driven over several bridges that he had performed the necessary safety calculations for, and thus I had put my life in the hands of a “less intelligent” ape.

In case you hadn’t clued in yet, this is all in satire to emphasize my point: No matter how much you portray apes to be human like, they are ANYthing but human like. There is a vast chasm of difference between apes and humans, there always has been, and always will be.

Well this great ape is going to sign off for this week, I’m your host, Ian Juby, and thanks for watching – we realize there’s a lot of competition out there for your viewership, and we appreciate that you chose to watch Genesis Week. If you could do us a favour: It is very difficult to guage viewership on specialty stations and channels, and we’d really appreciate hearing from you if you have watched the show. Please take a split second to drop us a single lined email saying “Watched the show!” We’ll know what you’re talking about.
You can send in that single line, or a comment, question to us in a number of ways: you can email us at, or you can send us a tweet @genesisweek, or you can go to which is our youtube channel, find the most recent show and leave a comment there, or you can even visit our facebook page and leave a note there.

Remember those words of warning from our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, who said “I am the way, the truth and the life – no man comes to the Father but through me!” We’ll see you next week.
We are a viewer supported program and need your support to keep this program on the air. Please pray for us, and if you wish to financially support the program, Canadians can make a tax-deductible donation to CORE Ottawa, Kanata North Post Office Box 72075, Ottawa, ON. Canada, K2K 2P4

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