Kit for Robotic Drives & Physics



With much regret, I can only offer shipping to NORTH AMERICAN ADDRESSES ONLY. Global shipping costs have gone up three fold and has become a horribly unreliable train wreck in the past two years and we’ve had too many packages just go missing. I’m sorry to disappoint, but any orders to addresses outside of the United States and Canada will be cancelled.

Kit for Robotic Drives & Physics course

US$150 with free shipping!

Please note, this is a custom manufactured kit exclusive from the Tech Valley Science Centre, and now that I am battling global materials shortages please allow 3 weeks turnaround time. It will ship from Canada.

Questions & inquiries: email


Pop bottle not included and a whole mess of assembly required! (After all, that’s that whole “learn by building” thing…)

After teaching at summer science camps and junior high school to high school levels over 21 years, I was disappointed to discover that there was no physics experimenting kit suitable for the younger generation and home schoolers. In particular, the only thing I had found for teaching hydraulics and pneumatics was either industrial equipment (expen$ive and dangerous!), or large syringes which had virtually no educational value.  So I developed this physics experimenter’s kit with a focus on cost effectiveness, use of the hands in assembly and experiments, see-through parts, and safety. An added bonus is that the power cylinders come with pins and tie-rod ends so you can use them in robots you build.

This kit is optional for the “Robotic Drives & Physics” course. Lesson 1 in that course (“Whatcha gonna need for this course”) will go over the various parts in the kit. You will also need various parts from course 1 & 2, so it’s assumed you will have those parts.

In this kit is the experimenter’s table & backboard on which the student builds their electromechanical systems to test and measure. There are two buildable hydraulic/pneumatic cylinders, two spring scales, adjustable levers, hydraulic and pneumatic micropumps, solenoid valves, a buildable spool valve, silicone tubing for pneumatic/hydraulic circuits, a buildable pressure gauge and pressure relief valve, a brushless DC motor & MOSFET driver transistors, a stepper motor and driver board, collection of gears & pulleys as well as a buildable block and tackle. Battery packs, wires, pushbuttons and DC motor are also included.


You can buy this kit in a bundle with its online course and save money by clicking here. You can also buy all the kits for courses 1 thru 3 as a bundle to save money by clicking here.


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