Robotics – learn by building, module V: Autonomous Robots Muahahahahaaa!

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autonomous robots

Robotics – learn by building, module V: Autonomous Robots

With this, we shall rule the world!  Well, maybe.  At this point, this module is only being considered for production and would be a bonus module to the robotics course.  Would you be interested? Drop us a line with your feedback.

Make no mistake about it, this is high-end electronics and robotics.  In this course, you’ll venture into a special kind of microcontroller (computer on a chip that you used in part II) which is the same kind of chip used on the Mars Rovers.  It is effectively a microchip on which you program an entire electronic circuit/computer which you can then use on your robots. When the Mars Rover developed a problem after landing on Mars, NASA literally redesigned the electronic circuitry and repaired the rover from Earth! This is just one example of the power of these microcontrollers, which are surprisingly cheap and one will be included in the accompanying parts kit.

We’ll also go over all that’s needed for autonomy: electronic gyroscopes, accelerometers, GPS sensors, environmental sensors (such as altimeters), and interfacing video cameras to the microcontroller.  We’ll get into the pros and cons of wired vs. wireless/autonomous systems and the complexities of even semi-autonomy.  You can then add all of this together with what you learned from the previous courses and hopefully start your own skynet.

5 reviews for Robotics – learn by building, module V: Autonomous Robots Muahahahahaaa!

  1. Mdau

    Cant wait for this course

    • Ian Juby

      Me neither! haha! I’m trying! But I have ssooo much to do to get there.

  2. Kamanga

    Certainly interested. Having already got the courses Module 1, 2, 3 through Udemy I have been refreshing my rather rusty electronics skills and already working on an Ai controlled robot using a mixture of differnet neural networks for decision making and image processing. Cant wait to see what you have planned.

  3. javieren

    I am taking the first module in UDEMY, I plan to take the other modules here, looking forward to complete the whole program

  4. Lavudijanni Subhash

    I had bought your 3 modules in udemy,by your courses I gained so much of practical knowledge and experience,eagerly waiting for your 4th module and 5th module,can you tell me what microcontroller you gonna work on?

    • Ian Juby

      Haven’t decided yet! While I’ve actually worked out several lessons for that course and multiple projects, I’m still investigating which FPGA to go with and if I’m using another microcontroller (other than the Uno from course 2), which one I’ll use. I’m thinking possibly one of the ESP series – they’re fast, and there are several cheap ones out there that even come with a camera. So I haven’t decided yet.

  5. Stephane Duval

    I am committed to completing all 5. Clear and concise courses.

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