The Secrets to Taking Amazing Photos with Any Camera!

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $300.00.Current price is: $30.00.

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90% off. Pre-launch sale going on now.

Watch the video below to see what this course is all about, and click on “Curriculum” to view the over 65 lessons.

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Note: This comprehensive course is currently in production.  [standout]Because of this you can save 90% off the final course price.[/standout]  If you sign up now you will be locking in the amazing price of $30.  This includes any updates to the course and you will have lifetime access.  Act now before the price goes up.


What are the requirements?

  • Any computer, a decent camera (even a smartphone), the desire… and this course!
  • The time and energy needed to achieve success.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 65 lectures!
  • Know the hidden secrets of photography
  • Learn what kind of person makes the best photographer
  • Understand the technical aspects of cameras, composition, color, lighting, and even subject matter
  • Learn all the greatest techniques to bring your art to pro level
  • Increase your knowledge of photo software and how to make your images amazing
  • Learn how to sell your images with no outlay
  • Learn the secret of hyperniches
  • See how to create your own photography website from scratch
  • Learn smartphone photography
  • So much more!

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone who has a desire to bring their photography to the next level
  • Anyone, young or old, from anywhere in the world, who wants to be a successful photographer
  • Anyone who wants to make money doing something they love


The Secrets to Taking Amazing Photos with Any Camera!

  • Section:1 – INTRODUCTION
    • 1-How this course is taught
    • 2-Skillset needed
    • 3-Personality traits
    • 4-You can make a good living
  • Section:2 – TECHNICAL doesn’t have to be confusing.
    • Cameras
      • 5-Cameras and Terminology
      • 6-How does a digital camera work?
      • 7-The shutter
      • 8-Storage media
      • 9-Image sensors and resolution
      • 10-Megapixels
      • 11-ISO
    • Composition
      • 12-Rule of thirds
      • 13-Golden ratio
      • 14-Get in close
      • 15-What’s in the background
      • 16-Keep it simple
      • 17-Eye contact
      • 18-Move around and get different angles
    • Color
      • 19-Warm
      • 20-Cold
    • Lighting
      • 21-Natural light is best
      • 22-Bounce
      • 23-Light kits
      • 24-Shade
      • 25-Lose the flash
    • Subject Matter
      • 26-Royalty free
      • 27-Rights managed
      • 28-Professional
  • Section:3 – TECHNIQUE is the secret to sales.
    • 29-The Good Stuff – Overview
    • 30-Manual is magic
    • 31-DOF
    • 32-Aperture
    • 33-Shutter Speed
    • 34-Lenses
    • 35-RAW
    • 36-Backlighting
    • 37-Eye contact
    • 38-Golden Hour
    • 39-Lines of Movement
    • 40-Know Your Limitations (Or how to stay motivated and not get discouraged)
      • 41-With your equipment
      • 42-With your time
      • 43-With your skill level
  • Section:4 – POST PROCESSING brings it to the next level.
    • Software
      • 44-On the Cheap
      • 45-On the Almost Cheap
    • Storage
      • 46-Amazon S3
      • 47-Amazon Cloud
      • 48-Amazon Prime
  • Section:5 – SELLING SECRETS
    • 49-Why sell your own images
    • 50-What is needed to start
    • 51-How do you know what images to take
    • 52-Where do you sell the images
    • 53-Tagging secrets
    • 54-Quality matters
    • 55-Quantity matters
    • 56-Rules for success
  • Section:6 – HYPERNICHES
    • 57-Finding the Hyperniche
    • 58-Building the Hyperniche
  • Section:7 – ROLL YOUR OWN
    • 60-Pick a domain name
    • 61-Get hosted
    • 62-Get your theme
    • 63-Set up shop
    • 64-Upload your images
    • 65-Jumpstart your marketing
  • Section:8 – EVEN MORE
    • 66-Smartphone secrets
    • 67-Video Too!

1 review for The Secrets to Taking Amazing Photos with Any Camera!

  1. rontonwins (verified owner)

    When will the course be fully complete

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