Electricty & electronics kit for Robotics Course, Part 1: Electricity and Electronics


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With much regret, I can only offer shipping to NORTH AMERICAN ADDRESSES ONLY. Global shipping costs have gone up three fold and has become a horribly unreliable train wreck in the past two years and we’ve had too many packages just go missing. I’m sorry to disappoint, but any orders to addresses outside of the United States and Canada will be cancelled.

$90 US with FREE shipping

All the electronics parts you need for the Robotics Course, Part 1: Electricity and Electronics.  The kit includes all the parts needed for all of the electronics projects covered in the course and includes: Resistors, capacitors, diodes, LED’s, transistors, a photosensor, voltage regulator, microchips including an op amp, audio amp and timer, pushbuttons, a relay, DC motor, a speaker, jumper wires and breadboard, battery holders, a servo motor, alligator clips, and one of Ian’s custom designed protoboards for soldering your circuit into a more permanent circuit!


Delivery times: Please allow two weeks turnaround time. Any questions or problems, call 1-877-532-9160 and hit 1 at the menu.


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