Simply Productive.

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $35.00.


70% off. Launch sale going on now.

Watch the video to see what this course is all about, and click on “Curriculum” to view the over 20 lessons.

Take This Course

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Order now to learn how to be a better photographer
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Note: This comprehensive course has just launched.  [standout]Because of this you can save 70% off the final course price.[/standout]  You will have lifetime access.  Act now before the price goes up.


What are the requirements?

  • This course is for everyone, not just creative people or business people.
  • You will need a desire to kill your procrastination demon.
  • This is a course on how to overcome procrastination, and you should plan on taking notes and studying the material.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 21 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
  • Be more effective and be more creative.
  • Kill the time wasters in your life, gain back precious time.
  • Learn how to get going with projects right away, without postponing them.
  • Gain a better attitude in life.
  • Learn how to be more successful by accomplishing more.
  • Be less annoying to your spouse. 😀

What is the target audience?

  • If you want to be more effective and want to accomplish more, this course is for you.
  • If you’re tired of not getting enough done, or tired of watching your dreams fade away, then take this course.
  • If you’re not willing to make the effort of studying, and applying the lessons, the course is not for you.


The Secrets to Taking Amazing Photos with Any Camera!

  • Section 1: Kill it. Kill it now.
    • Lecture 1 – Introduction
    • Lecture 2 – You Must Kill Procrastination
  • Section 2: How to Kill Procrastination.
    • Lecture 3 – Lose Project Management Apps
    • Lecture 4 – Free Project Management
    • Lecture 5 – K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid – The Truly Freeing Way to Be Effective
    • Lecture 6 – Kill the Internet
    • Lecture 7 – Kill Email
    • Lecture 8 – Kill Facebook
    • Lecture 9 – Reprogram Your Brain if Needed
    • Lecture 10 – The Ultimate Secret. Kill Your “Mood” Demon
    • Lecture 11 – Figure Out Your Best Task Times
    • Lecture 12 – Be Creative or Productive. Choose One.
    • Lecture 13 – Do the Painful Things First
    • Lecture 14 – Get it Done!
    • Lecture 15 – Just Start!
    • Lecture 16 – Workflowy. Drop the Mic.
    • Lecture 17 – Google Search Exists for a Reason
    • Lecture 18 – Gmail Search Exists for a Reason
    • Lecture 19 – Mmmm…Candy
  • Section 3: Imagine a More Effective YOU.
    • Lecture 20 – Your Life at 98% Battery Life
  • Section 4: There is No TRY.
    • Lecture 21 – Do. It. Now.


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