Parts kit for 3D printer



These are all the parts needed to build the 3D printer / scanner in the Prototyping & 3D Printer course. These are only the parts. A whole mess of assembly is required (this process is covered in detail in the course as well as modifications & customization of the printer / scanner). You will still need some wire and tools like a soldering iron.

The kit includes an ATX power supply with a 120 volt North American plug. It is with much sadness that I cannot ship outside of North America.

The laser cut parts can include free custom text such as your name and some smart alecky comment. Please add in the notes what text you would like etched on the X axis frame (up to ~34 characters) and on the Hot Head truck (up to 50 characters on 3 lines, the top and bottom lines are restricted visibility and so cannot be very long).

Every kit is custom crafted and thus has a very long turn around time. Please allow three weeks for manufacturing. After this the kit will be shipped from Canada.

$250 US

with free shipping to anywhere in North America

Any questions or problems, call 1-877-532-9160 and hit 1 at the menu. Or email


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