Digital Electronics Kit for module II of Robotics, learn by building

(1 customer review)


Out of stock


I am temporarily shutting down all orders for kits. (Jan 2025)

I will review whether I will resume offerings in late March of 2025. Please check back then. In the meantime, please remember that for every one of my courses the first lesson of all  is dedicated to parts and materials you will need for that course. Thanks for your interests and keep on roboticizing!



With much regret, I can only offer shipping to NORTH AMERICAN ADDRESSES ONLY. Global shipping costs have gone up three fold and has become a horribly unreliable train wreck in the past two years and we’ve had too many packages just go missing. I’m sorry to disappoint, but any orders to addresses outside of the United States and Canada will be cancelled.

This is the digital electronics kit for the second module Digital Electronics in Ian Juby’s Robotics: Learn by building series.  Please note that you will also need the Analog Electronics Kit to complete the Digital Electronics module of the series.

$140 US with free shipping.


Inquiries about orders can email or you can call toll free in the US and Canada 1-877-532-9160 and hit 1 at the menu.

Deliver times: Please allow two weeks turnaround time.

1 review for Digital Electronics Kit for module II of Robotics, learn by building

  1. Dimitar Zhekov

    Hi sir, I am considering purchasing your kit, I live in Canada, how long should I wait until I get it?

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