Robotics, Learn by building, module IV: Prototyping and 3D printing

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Robotics, Learn by building, module IV: Prototyping and 3D printing

This module will fuse together everything you learned in the first three courses in the series. You learn the fine art of prototyping, which is construction of original machinery from scratch. You’ll then use it all to build your first robot, a 3D printer. 3D printers really are robots, and with a 3D printer you can then literally print custom designed parts for your robot designs. The 3D printer design we will focus on will also double as a 3D scanner. You will learn various 3D scanning and modeling techniques such as photogrammetry.

Ian will show a variety of both tools, techniques and best practices, including tips and tricks from his own decades of experience in prototyping and modeling.  You’ll see first hand how to use tools you may already have to work in ways you probably never thought of, to make complex parts.  You’ll also learn different mold making techniques and special tools you’ve probably never seen before, or show good and safe ways to use these tools.

You can choose to purchase the 3D printer parts kit, or the cheater kit of the laser cut birch plates and provide your own aluminum extrusions, bolts, hot head, etc…  Or you can scratch design and build your own 3D printer from new parts or scavenged parts. Because you are the one designing and building your 3D printer, there are fewer limits to what you can do with it.  It can have a huge printing bed compared to commercial 3D printers that would normally cost thousands of dollars, or you can retrofit it with a laser cutter to custom cut your own parts, or retrofit it with a milling head to cut your own custom metal parts.  All these systems incorporate the same principles of the computer controlled gantry, effectively a robot.

Please note this is a new course and it will take months to add all the lessons in. Here is some of what you will learn:

What is prototyping?

First secret of prototyping: *redacted* (it’s a secret – you’ll have to take the lesson)

Be P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N.A.L.

Some Terminologies

Pro tip #1: Printable patterns & CAD

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

CAD and workflow

CAD techniques for your prototyping

Case study: Mechanically animated museum display

Making the plates for your 3D printer

-simple machining of even metals to apply CAD to prototyping your parts

Robot design (and 3D printer design)

Designing electronic control boards for 3D printers and robots

Effective use of common power tools

Mold making techniques

How 3D printers work

3D printer assembly

3D scanning techniques

Designing your 3D printer to double as a 3D scanner

Computer Aided Design of robots and electromechanical devices

3D modeling basics and designing your robots in CAD

The various stages of assembly, calibration and testing of your 3D printer

Using your 3D printer

Making caterpillar tracks for your robots

Plastic working

Fiberglass working

Metal working

Plastic forming for our submarine robot case study

13 reviews for Robotics, Learn by building, module IV: Prototyping and 3D printing

  1. pentatonicola

    can wait to start this course. when will it be available?

    • Ian Juby

      Hi – I’m sorry, I haven’t been getting notifications of posts! Only saw this now. I also apologize that the physics kit has been so far behind in prototyping. I finally got the parts I’ve been waiting for for months, so I’ve been putting in a lot of time this past week in finishing the kit for testing. Once it’s tested, it’ll be available. Though I can’t honestly say how long that will be – testing may reveal some fatal flaw that I have to go an re-design. Especially for safety, it’s really important I get this right.

  2. Mdau

    cant wait too, please realese this course

  3. Lavudijanni Subhash

    It’s been 1 year still course is not released please upload the course,I’m eagerly waiting for it.

    • Ian Juby

      haha! It’s been more than a year! 😀 It’s been brutal – and I really, really want to get this course available but my life has been turned upside-down for the past two years. I actually bought all the parts for the 3D printer prototype and the hope was to have the course available by November. And instead I’m fought with getting my property liveable and ready for the winter since September. So I’ve got literally thousands of dollars in parts, sitting there in the shop that I can do nothing with until I get the prototype finished. And I can’t make the course until the prototype is finished. Thanks for the kind words and the enthusiasm – it’s great to see your zeal for the topics. I’m under a lot of pressure right now for a lot of things, and getting that course up and running is one of the things. Here’s hoping I get some work done on it over the next month or so.

  4. Alan Dombrowski

    Looking forward to the this and the next courses. Let me know when will be available.

  5. yashuafreak

    You go Ian!!! God bless you forever!!!!!!! (really enjoying the Complete Creation 3rd edition as well!!! keep up the great work!!! (as we say here in Hawaii, “U da man!!! Garrans ball bearins!!! ;- ))

  6. Poornshanker Pathak

    eagerly waiting for the course’s availability.

    • Ian Juby

      Me too. lol
      Seriously though, I am working on it in the next couple of weeks particularly, and in one respect I’m glad I haven’t made it available yet. I’m completely revamping the design of the 3D printer so it can also double as a 3D scanner. I don’t know of a 3D printer out there that will do both, so this will be fun. 🙂

  7. rubenpvargas

    Hey Ian, have been learning a lot on your first 3 courses. Cant wait to see what will come in 4! Just one more thing, we dont need a 3d scanner, we just need keep learning </3

    • Ian Juby

      Oh come on – everybody needs a 3D scanner! lol

  8. Joshua Van Dyke

    I could very much use a 3-D printer/scanner, while the printer would be fantastic for learning more and advancing in these robotic courses, I am also trying to make a video game on unreal engine and to be able to simply scan items that I have in the real world and use them in game would be super useful. That being said I am definitely interested in continuing onto the 4th course as soon as possible, I must admit, I check this site once every week or two to see if there are any updates on it. Thank you so much for the fantastic material you have put out Ian, and not to sound too selfish in this consumer world, but please keep them coming!! I cannot wait to begin to implement these courses into my homeschooling program for my kids when they are old enough. God bless!!

  9. yashuafreak

    Amen! 3D Scanner & Printer!!! Everybody needs!

  10. KonBan

    Hello, any news on when this and the 5th course will be released?

    • Ian Juby

      Mornin! I am currently in the process of prototyping the printer / scanner right now. But alas stresses relating to parts shortages for kits, having to work on multiple houses / apartments and other “life” things are getting in the road and delaying things. However, I’ve made progress on the printer kit and once I’ve got that functioning then I’ll be able to get more work done on the course itself. Thanks for asking!

  11. Francesco

    Sorry, but why the course isn’t uploaded now if it was uploaded some times ago. I understand for the unavailability of kits and parts, but if I’m only interested in the lessons, I should be able to see them right?

  12. Alan Dombrowski

    Is there any update when the course will be ready?

  13. yashuafreak


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